I know what frugality means. I live in a barn with only one room. The cement floor has not been paved (real story). The kitchen is covered by myself with a custard (another time, the real story -who will make such things?) However, I already know how to afford a healthy lifestyle, so don’t tell me to spend too much money.

You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on private coaches, gym members or fitness equipment. Do not need to spend a penny. You only need to follow some basic rules to build your dream body.

Let’s talk about running …
Have I lost you? I understand. Running is the worst. Except for it, it is actually the best. It does not need to cost at all, but it provides one of the most effective cardiovascular exercise. All you need is yourself, your shoes, of course, and spiritual strength.

If you are entangled in the last part, don’t worry. Even if you are not a runner -if you really hate running -you can still use the benefits of this sport for walking/run intermittent training. Take a walk for 30 minutes, walk for two minutes, then jog for 30 to 60 seconds … and repeat. Even if you despise running, you can’t tell me that you don’t have enough mental strength to endure 30 seconds of running.

Free point space
One of the benefits of the gym is that they provide a specified exercise space. You know that when you walk into those doors, you should start working.

Exercise at home is a bit different, because you will almost be surrounded by “emergency” interference, such as your child forgot his homework, or your laundry basket.

You can reproduce the gym by leaving a sports space at home. This space can be anywhere -your living room, guest room, backyard or garage -but it needs to be distributed for exercise and only for exercise. Everyone who lives with you needs to know that when you enter that space, you are in a fitness zone. There are no crying children, emergency job telephones and excessive active dogs.

Make exercise time inevitable
Every week, sit down and write your exercise plan, and then stick it anywhere: your Google calendar, your refrigerator, your table, and the wall of your exercise space. Everyone in your life should know your exercise plan accurately and tell them that interrupting you during the exercise may lead to severe physical damage or even death.

Exercise does not need to be carried out at the same time every day, so pay attention to the overall timetable of your family and use the time you are unlikely to be interrupted. Early morning, late night, and child’s nap time are effective.

Blockua / shutterstock.com
Turn off your mobile phone (the quietness and flight mode are not included)
Email, SMS, and telephone are definitely the damage to exercise. You may not want to admit it, but you are as bad as Pavlov’s dog; when your phone rang, you are used to responding. The world will not collapse because you turn off your phone half an hour, and the end of the world will not come. Turn off your phone and do not be disturbed -you even find that you like the feeling of not being restrained by smartphones.
Change your weight loss plan
Don’t think you need a brand new fitness wardrobe, beautiful shoes, or the next “seen on TV” abdominal muscle pruning to get your best figure in your life. These are all lies sold by fitness marketers at a price of more than $ 1 billion each year.

All you need is your body and some family supplies: a strong chair, a few paper plates, and maybe there is a puppy or baby. I’m not kidding; as long as you don’t throw them out, babies and dogs are good solid ball alternatives.

Do some weight exercises, such as squatting, push -ups, standing up and opening and closing jump. Add steps to a strong chair, slide the bow, or sit on the back of the paper plate on the paper plate, and hold any exercise of the baby or dog (the shoulder press, the chest presses, the knee squat and the dius muscle roll). Increasing weight (and the nature of bi motorcycles) will enhance your strength, balance and coordination ability.
Develop a plan and insist on implementing it
Whether you are exercising at home or at home, following the plan is one of the best ways to ensure success. Find some free weight exercises on the Internet or those exercises that only need at least equipment. Search for 4, 8 or 12 weeks of training plans developed by certified trainers, which can gradually improve the training intensity and make the evaluation results possible. In some cases, you may need to subscribe to an email list to receive longer courses, but this is a small price (for example, zero dollars and some great emails) to receive a high -quality course provided by legal trainers.

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